The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) Faculty of Education (FEd) welcomed students of its semestral programs through the 2023 Student Orientation: Faculty and Program Orientation conducted last 2 September 2023 via Zoom. One hundred twenty-two (122) participants, including FEd faculty, staff, and students, joined the event.
The student orientation was warmly opened by the FEd Dean, Asst. Prof. Charisse T. Reyes followed by a short video introducing the FEd faculty and staff, including the Faculties-in-Charge (FICs) per program. With the recent institution of the UPOU University Student Council (USC), Ms. Priiti Mae C. Bandril-Overos, currently a student of the Master of Distance Education (MDE) Program and the UPOU USC Graduate Representative, gave a message citing various activities implemented by constituents within the USC. Afterwards, the FEd Faculty Secretary’s Office led by Asst. Prof. Rita C. Ramos, discussed the academic processes and facilitated the question and answer portion. The orientation proceeded with students moving to breakout rooms with their respective programs for academic advising with their Program Chairs. New and continuing students engaged in the discussion of various program-specific concerns that were led by the Chairs of the DMT, DST, D/MALLE, and D/MASSE programs.

Group photo with several of the participants
Based on student feedback, “the event went smoothly…was well-organized and helpful for the incoming and continuing students”, wherein they truly felt a “sense of community” and “all concerns raised were properly addressed.” UPOU FEd holds steadfast that students will be guided and supported by the University and the Faculty of Study as they embark on and complete their academic journey.
Written by: Keisha Renee Margaux M. Denolo and Krista Marie L. Fama
Edited by: Efraime M. Cruz and Asst. Prof. Charisse T. Reyes